

coming soon


One Family

coming soon


Power to Change

coming soon…


Be Yoga

I understand the value, power and benefit that consultancy & coaching has for individual and business success. The clients I work with are in a place where they are looking for support, development and a way to move forward.

I provided the Founder and Owners of Be Yoga Sussex with consultancy sessions in 2019. We worked together to take a step back and review the business and the plans they have for the future.

It was always a joy when Bryony and Silas brought Clover to our meetings too 🙂

Business consultancy sessions stages as an example include:

  1. Downloading Session
  2. Clarifying Session
  3. Prioritising Session
  4. Action Planning Session


In 2019, I worked with Thales, providing design and facilitation of two events. The first event was for a Leadership Team (approx. 40 people) who were coming together to focus on business challenges and find practical, sustainable solutions.

The second event a cross-sector Leadership Team Day, leaders around the business coming together to explore and plan ways of working and build greater cross-sector collaboration.

I recently engaged Fiona to work as part of a small team to co-facilitate two sessions. The first was for my leadership team looking at a strategic solutions to a business challenge and the second was a cross sector team to encourage collaboration and joint working. Fiona is an asset to any event, she is professional, respectfully challenging and brings energy and enthusiasm along with her insight and facilitation skills. I would highly recommend Fiona to support other business with their development needs. (Amanda Arrowsmith, Interim Head of HR)


St John Ambulance

Towards the end of 2019, I joined Carl and his Volunteer Training Team team at St John Ambulance, to explore social and collaborative learning. I design and facilitated an interactive half-day workshop, encouraging the sharing of experience, information gathering, brainstorming of new ways of working and action planning for the coming weeks and months. I shared current thinking around this topic, new, existing resources and examples of how social and collaborative learning in organisations in introduced effectively.

I supported the team, to:

  • explore what they understood by the term social learning
  • reflect how social they were as a learner; as an organisation; and their volunteers?
  • look at how technology within social and collaborative learning is used
  • understand social learning in practice in the work of learning and development

Frimley Health

Social media workshop

The fabulous L&D team at Frimley got in touch asking me to support their Learning At Work Week in 2018. I designed and facilitated workshops which provided space for exploration, sharing of experience and ideas.

Sessions designed and facilitated for Frimley colleagues were:

  • Social Media for beginners
  • Social Media: What next?
  • Personal Learning Networks



University of the Arts London

2018 saw me design and facilitate several workshops and events for UAL. I worked with the Associate Director of HR and her team to create staff development events which gave time and space for people to explore different topics:

  • ‘Your social media footprint’ workshop
  • ‘Personal Learning Networks’ – you and your connections workshop

Also in 2018, I worked in collaboration with Simon Arrowsmith from Grow The People to design and co-facilitate a Values Storytelling Day. Simon designed the day to develop the core skills of storytelling while exploring the team’s values in action. It was an interactive, creative and challenging day which the client (and we!) were thrilled with.



Warner Music

Table top flipchart with notes


In 2019 I worked with the Talent Team at Warner Music International, they were looking for a creative way to engage their staff around a new topic.

After discussions about the best approach to take, Warner agreed to try the UnConference approach.

I worked to design and facilitate the UnConference, I also engaged the brilliant graphic illustration skills of Simon Heath who worked on the day to capture the key outputs and ideas.


Facilitation Shindig

I am delighted to be adding the role of Community Director to my portfolio of work.

I am joining Julie Drybrough at Facilitation Shindig, it is a gathering space for Practitioners who facilitate team and group conversations to expand and improve their practice.

I’m really looking forward to working with Julie to grow and explore the community aspects of the Shindig and support those who take part in it.

Work with the Facilitation Shindig is in addition to my existing client work and I am excited about what the next few months have to bring.

To read more about the collaboration click here.