

I worked with the brilliant L&D team at Tate mid 2016 – 2018, to design and facilitate interactive workshops for their staff. We explored social media and its place within learning, professional development and networking.

Also, I facilitated several workshops on the subject of Personal Learning Networks (PLN). We all have different ways we learn and interact with those around us – but how often do we stop and reflect on how that is working for us and if we need to do things differently?

In July 2017 I designed and facilitated an UnConference for Tate Managers. This event was the first UnConference to happen at Tate and the day went exceptionally well.

July 2018 saw another UnConference happen at Tate, this time for the PLUS Tate network. It was a brilliant day, a truly different way for this networking group to share knowledge and experience, additionally share ideas and build connections.

I have worked with Fiona during my time with the Tate Galleries in order to enhance the staff development offer. Fiona designed and delivered really engaging programmes on social media and personal learning networks as well as Tate’s first Unconference for Managers. Fiona is great at making connections and brings the joy of learning in all her work – Vilma Nikolaidou, Head of OD